Village residents may or may not be aware of an invasive species that attacks ash trees. The Emerald Ash Borer is an invasive insect that infects and ultimately kills ash trees. Unfortunately, we have quite a few ash trees along our village streets and in our parks. Over the next two years we will embark on a program to remove these trees. Unfortunately, this will result in a substantial loss of tree canopy along some streets and in both Community Park and Mercer Park. New trees will be planted as infected trees are removed. If you have any questions regarding dead or dying street trees at your home, please feel free to contact our Village Engineering office at 315-635-9665.
NOTICE regarding the placement of trash containers
Notice from the Public Works Department
Trash containers placed out to the road for pickup must be in your driveway behind the curb line and back far enough to avoid being hit by snow thrown from the snow plow. Containers in the road or close to the road may be hit by the plow or snow thrown from the plow.
Village Parking Lots
Not sure where to find a municipal lot? Here is a Map of Village Parking Lots.
Collection of Unused Drugs
There is now a locked prescription drug collection receptacle in Village Hall, 16 West Genesee Street, for the public to utilize. The public will be able to drop off their unused prescriptions weekdays from 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. This service is provided by a grant that the Police department was awarded by CVS. The Police department will be responsible for emptying the canister and getting the drugs to the DEA.
Did you know that you can review the upcoming Village Board meeting agendas and other agendas on the Village website?
Agendas are posted as soon as they are available and can be found under the appropriate heading on our Documents page. The Documents page also includes Minutes from past meetings (once they are approved by the board who held the meeting, usually at the next meeting of the board) and other useful documents, forms and information.