Department of Public Works
Village of Baldwinsville
Office of Superintendent of Public Works
16 West Genesee Street
Baldwinsville, New York 13027
Telephone: (315) 635-9665
The Village Department of Public Works serves as the backbone of the village by providing the traditional basic public works services such as water, sewer and highways. In addition, the DPW also provides services, including but not limited to; urban forestry services, parks and trail maintenance, yard waste pickup, municipal building maintenance, stormwater system maintenance, fleet services, grounds maintenance, street sweeping and signs. This work is accomplished with a staff of 11 full-time employees and six part-time summer employees.
The Village of Baldwinsville is the largest village in Onondaga County in both population and geographic area, and is unique, due to the fact that we are the only village in the county that has a river as a community focal point. The Department of Public Works has been and will continue to be instrumental in recapturing the bond that the village enjoys with the river.
The Department of Public Works consistently strives to deliver its services in a professional, responsive and effective manner while helping to maintain reasonable and stable tax rates in the provision of our services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year.
The Department of Public Works appreciates the cooperation we receive from our constituents and we will endeavor to effectively meet the needs of the community.
I encourage anyone with questions to look at the DPW Newsletter contained within this website. This provides the answer to the most common questions. You can also contact us by phone 315-635-9665, email or in person at 1963 West Genesee Street Road, Baldwinsville, NY 13027.
Village Baldwinsville
Chuck McAuliffe, Superintendent of Public Works
Stormwater Coordinator
Village of Baldwinsville
16 West Genesee Street
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
315-635-9665 (Office)
Emergency Contacts:
Department of Public Works after hours phone number is 315-247-3362. Follow the prompts to be connected to the person on call. Emergency calls can be made between the hours of 3:00 pm to 7:00 am Monday through Friday, weekends and holidays.247
Stormwater Hotline
Stormwater Information Links
New York Department of Enviornmental Conservation
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Central New York Regional Planning and Development Board