Village of Baldwinsville Police Department
16 W. Genesee Street
Baldwinsville, New York 13027
Phone: (315) 635-3131
Fax: (315) 635-7868
Administrative Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm
Facebook Page:

Michael W. Lefancheck
Chief of Police
Chief's Welcome
On behalf of the members of the Baldwinsville Police Department, I welcome you to our department's website. I am very proud to serve as the Chief of Police for such a fine organization and community. I truly believe that our department provides quality services to our residents, in the most efficient manner possible and that by continuing to focus on our community policing model, we will achieve even greater accomplishments.
Officers of the police department are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The department's motto is "Service with Understanding" and has been the hallmark of our attitude towards service to the community since the reorganization of the police department in 1972. The police department provides a number of services to the community, such as bicycle patrols, vacation house security checks, a citizen-ride along program, School Resource Officers and many others.
The department has an aggressive traffic enforcement policy. We have found that the reduction in speeding and aggressive driving violations, leads to a reduction in the number of traffic collisions and personal injuries. The police department participates in state traffic initiatives, such as, "Buckle-Up New York" and in enforcement campaigns targeting aggressive driving. We can simply saves lives and prevent injuries by ensuring that occupant restraints and child restraints are used and used properly. The department currently has two certified child safety seat technicians. These officers will actually take your child safety seat and properly install it in your vehicle, then, they will instruct you in proper usage of those seats.
Our police officers and civilian support staff are here to serve the citizens of our community. We build programs and people that support our community policing philosophy. This means that all of our actions are directed at making Baldwinsville a safe and enjoyable place to live; where citizens and visitors feel that they are partners with the police department and that they can come to us with any question, concern or issue. The primary purpose of this partnership is to prevent criminal and safety related problems from occurring.
Thank you for visiting our web site. Remember that the police department draws its authority from and in partnership with the citizens of the Village of Baldwinsville.
Michael W. Lefancheck
Chief of Police
Mission Statement
We will strive to be highly motivated, highly trained and highly competent. Superior ethics, morals and conduct will be our standard. We will provide the citizens of the Village of Baldwinsville the quality service they deserve and expect. Integrity, professionalism and community service will be our hallmark.